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AICS Partners:

AICS has strategic partnerships with local and international communities. 
Partnerships include: 




The Association for the Diffusion of Folklore, ADIFOK, is a nonprofit entity composed of individuals and associations connected directly to Catalan popular culture and simultaneously to folklore around the world.

ADIFOLK is recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya as an entity of Public Interest.  


Its fundamental objective is to promote and disseminate popular Catalan Culture around the world, while also promoting folklore from other regions in the world within Catalonia. 


On November, 2019, an agreement was signed between AICS-American Institute for Catalan Studies and ADIFOLK with the purpose of facilitating joint cultural projects. AICS is now the International Association forming part of a conglomerate of associations under ADIFOLK’s direction.

FIEC (Federacio Internacional d’Entitats Catalanes) 

AICS is one of the founding entities of the FIEC which was founded in 1996 by the Catalan Communities residing outside of Catalonia. Currently 72 entities form part of the FIEC.


FIEC promotes and supports the recognition of Catalan entities residing abroad and advocates for the democratic participation of Catalans living abroad in the electoral process.  


FIEC is part of the Consell de la Catalunya Exterior.

The Board members, elected in 2019, are voluntary and represent Catalan organizations around the world who meet once a year in December, in an open assembly. 

DRACMAYCAT EDICIONS -  Independent publisher founded in Barcelona with the aim of presenting the world of the Dragon and creating a versatile space for old and novel visions.

April 23 is Sant Jordi’s Day /World Book Day and also UNESCO Copyright Day. An event which is celebrated throughout Catalonia and, increasingly, in many other places in the world. Book and Rose Exchange (#BooksAndRoses) is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, with as many as 150 volunteer activities in 50 countries in recent years.


Nepp Private Foundation is a non-profit non-governmental foundation, established in December 2003 and chaired by Dr. Jordi Domingo Ribas, with the collaboration of volunteers who participate in specific tasks in different humanitarian projects, especially in Africa.

OMNIUM CULTURAL -  Non-profit organization founded in 1961 that works for the promotion of the Catalan language and culture, education, social cohesion and the defense of the national rights of Catalonia.


BARNES&NOBLE – collaborates with AICS by Marketing and hosting book fair events.



Rice University is an important educational and cultural center in the Houston Community. AICS collaborates with Rice to host lecture series, concerts and art events.

Nodus Solutions –  Designs business solutions in Texas since 2003 and provides hosting and web services for AICS.

HOUSTON PENYA – collaborates with AICS by hosting events and fundraisers.

© 2020 by AICS American Institute for Catalan Studies. All rights reserved.

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